With a friendship spanning close to 14 years, we dipped our toes into the world of yoga in 2010 and haven’t looked back.
Not only has our practice strengthened our bodies, but also our resolve that this is something we wanted to deliver to our wider community.
Trained in a wide range of styles, we bring to you classes that draw on traditional practices whilst remaining upbeat and enjoyable for all levels.
We are committed to continuing our education and are forever students of Yoga.
Lyl Vandeligt, Founder/Instructor
Teil Hodson, Founder/Instructor
Lyl is many things. A co-owner of Vizva Yoga, Mother to 4 children, Wife to Glenn, Yoga Teacher, and Fitness Instructor to name a few. Here is a short piece about her.
As long as we have breath, we can start again.
From a young age, Lyl came up against many challenges and as a result suffered from severe anxiety/depression, really struggled concentrating in school and took part in some pretty self-destructive behavior. At 19, her first pregnancy forced her to pull it together. When H was 9 months old, Lyl went to the local footy to watch her brother play and that’s when she first met Teil. They fast became friends. Lyl went on to have her second child at 22, but pregnancy and gaining over 40kgs was hard on her body, this is when she discovered her love for exercise. Although Lyl was able to shed the physical weight, she still carried the burden of her past.
In 2011 Teil mentioned she was going to a yoga studio just around the corner and invited Lyl to join her. Lyl was hesitant at first, her idea of exercise was in a gym smashing it out, however something deep inside encouraged her to go. Lyl says “I have never looked back!” After the first class she realised this was her missing piece. The healing that she was longing for. Lyl practiced 2-3 times a week and noticed so many changes. In the quiet time to herself, in those beautifully crafted classes (special mention to the amazing Joti Gore) she waded through years of sadness, anger, shame and depression and came out the other side, stronger, happier, healthier, calmer but most of all, true to herself.
For the first time in Lyl’s life she was able to hold a job and loved it. As life does, it dealt her another blow but this time she had her practice and the strength to carry on for her children and to continue to strive for a better life.
As a single mum, Lyl went on to complete her certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness, became a Body Balance instructor, fell in love with her childhood friend Glenn and had another 2 babies. Whilst breastfeeding her 12 week old son, she then began her 350hr Yoga Teacher Training with Teil.
Fast forward another 2 years and a dream Lyl and Teil manifested together is becoming a reality. Doing what they love, sharing yoga. Encouraging others to be grateful for all their teachers, not only the ones we can name, but the difficult moments that lead to spiritual growth, when faced with an open heart.